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You've Accepted a Quest!


Frente needs your help! Small monsters are coming into Sofya, biting residents & stealing things in the city. As an adventurer, it's your duty to help! Once you've accepted your quest, check out the Quest guide by navigating to Menu > Character > Quests > Show Details. This will serve as a "to-do" list for your quest.


We can find our small monsters in the Underground Ruins. Follow the arrow (or your map) past the square, into the city, you'll see an exit marked "Land Under Development". Go through here.

Follow the arrow or walk through the construction site to the furthest portal. Go through the portal titled "Underground Ruins".

Once through, you'll see your first targets: Ruin Rats. You'll have to kill 5 of these. Don't worry the game keeps track of it using the quest log. These monsters are level 8 so be sure to be at least to level 10 for an easy quest time. 

Walk further into the ruins & you'll see the next target: Torpo. Kill 5 of these & you'll recieve a notification that your quest has been completed. Walk back or Teleport to Sofya to claim your reward. 

Talk to Frente & select the quest "Hunting Small Monsters *achieved!*". You did it!


Congratulations! Quest Complete.



+5 Experience


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